About Us

Connecting IT Industry + Workforce

The South Central Pennsylvania NextGen Information Technology Industry Partnership (IT IP) was formed in April 2019 to address growing concerns about workforce development in the IT industry locally and regionally. The IT IP Governance is led by the Employer Steering Committee that represents the IT interests from around the region and through our co-conveners’ organizational structure and boards.
While the outlook for the IT sector in the South Central PA area is bright, we are challenged by over 500 open technology positions and the lack of a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem.
SCPaWorks is proud to operate as a co-covener for The South Central PA NextGen Tech Industry Partnership.

Priority Needs

To advance the goals and facilitate the overall sustainability of the Partnership.





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Talent Supply & Diversity Solutions

The Talent Supply & Diversity group seeks to connect high-quality IT talent with open jobs while working to increase and expand the pipeline of potential candidates in the South Central PA area.
Over the last year, the team was focused on the following outcomes
Over the next year, the team will focus on the following

Innovation Ecosystem

The innovation ecosystem team is focused on ideas to spur innovation and encourage a culture of entrepreneurship in the region. We are currently supporting our mission of collaborating as an employee and business community to grow and diversify an innovative technology workforce and entrepreneurial community in South Central PA.
Over the last year, the team was focused on the following outcomes
Over the next few months, the team will continue our work on supporting innovators and entrepreneurs with what they need and want as we build our future vision of becoming a vibrant region of diverse innovators and entrepreneurs that inspire and develop the current and next generation technology workforce and companies.
We need you and your ideas and passion for the region.

Creating a region for innovation

South Central NextGen Tech Members